There is No “Silver Bullet” when it comes to Strategic Project Management

STRATEGIC PROJECT MANAGEMENT: “The formation and implementation of over-arching Project Management Guidelines and Initiatives taken by an Organization’s Management on behalf of Project Stakeholders, based on Resources and an assessment of Tools, Techniques and Competencies considered Best Practices for Projects being implemented to meet Organizational Strategic Goals and Objectives.  It provides overall direction to the… Continue reading There is No “Silver Bullet” when it comes to Strategic Project Management

RTConfidence is Issued First Patent

The RTConfidence Team just received official issuance of its first US Patent “Software Portfolio Management System and Method” which includes the application of our first game-changing product, Chrono™ and our revolutionary TriCoBi™ method!  Congrats and thanks to our dedicated team members. Advanced Project Planning, Monitoring & Controlling Made Simple with Buy Now Free Trial

What is the Limit to Project Risk Absorption? (Part 1)

Part 1 of 2: Individual Task Risk Tolerance (Part 2 of 2 is on Overall Project Risk Limits)!   I believe that almost any Project Plan can be “balanced” if you ignore the Risks. Think about it – you can balance almost any Project’s Quality, Scope, Schedule, Resources and Costs if you absorb an unlimited amount… Continue reading What is the Limit to Project Risk Absorption? (Part 1)

What is the Limit to Project Risk Absorption? (Part 2)

Part 2 of 2: Overall Project Risk Limits (Part 1 of 2 is on Individual Task Risk Tolerance)!   As mentioned in my original post (Part 1, regarding Individual Task Risks), I believe that almost any Project Plan can be “balanced” if you ignore the Risks. But most high-risk plans would not make sense if team… Continue reading What is the Limit to Project Risk Absorption? (Part 2)

Enable Success in Your Projects by Embracing Project Risk Management!

Participants in this session will learn how to identify, assess, and manage individual (i.e., task-level) and overall project risks then determine overall project risks. We will review relevant Tools & Techniques and provide examples of exercises. The primary learning objectives are: Knowing how to properly Plan, Identity, Assess, Respond, and Control individual task risks Being… Continue reading Enable Success in Your Projects by Embracing Project Risk Management!

Why Chrono?

I recently received the following question about Chrono™, the new Project/Program/Portfolio Management tool released by my company, RTConfidence: “What are the benefits of this tool and why is it different from its competitors?” Here was my reply:   “Most significantly, this tool solves some major problems in the Project/Program/Portfolio Management space. Today, the best tools… Continue reading Why Chrono?

Level-up Microsoft Project!

If you, your employees, or your suppliers are using Microsoft Project and use another program or application to run SRA (Schedule Risk Analysis) Monte Carlo simulations, you should down-load and try the Chrono™ add-in – a revolutionary offering from  You will not regret it – it is not only easier to use than any… Continue reading Level-up Microsoft Project!

“Solving the Impossible” – Find out how!

Going back about thirty years when I was a relatively new Program Manager, I was given an interesting proposition by my manager – “We want you to take on a new project that the executive team knows will be impossible to execute successfully, but it is strategically important, and we would like you to run… Continue reading “Solving the Impossible” – Find out how!

The things I could do if my SRA Monte Carlo Simulation was faster!

What would I (or you) be able to do if the IMS (Integrated Master Schedule) SRA (Schedule Risk Analysis) Model was always set up properly and the Monte Carlo Simulation only took a few seconds to both compute results and provide all the graphic outputs (e.g., the Probability Distribution charts for every task and milestone,… Continue reading The things I could do if my SRA Monte Carlo Simulation was faster!

Are your Projects employing “Best Practices”?

Project Postmortems which delve into the Technical issues (e.g., estimation errors, scope omissions, validation or qualification test gaps, test methodology issues, development process gaps, omitted or by-passed design rules, flawed analyses, etc.) are relatively easy to accept and implement – many of the necessary systemic changes are developed and implemented as the issues come up.… Continue reading Are your Projects employing “Best Practices”?