I recently received the following question about Chrono™, the new Project/Program/Portfolio Management tool released by my company, RTConfidence: “What are the benefits of this tool and why is it different from its competitors?” Here was my reply:


“Most significantly, this tool solves some major problems in the Project/Program/Portfolio Management space. Today, the best tools for ensuring success (especially in meeting very aggressive deadlines on risky projects/programs) are difficult to use, error-prone, costly, and slow. This tool solves all those issues. It is integrated, incorporates expert system knowledge, is fast, and is affordable for any application where an IMS (Integrated Master Schedule) tool (i.e., Microsoft Project) is used. It makes some of the most elaborate (and effective) best practices available to not just a few (i.e., those who can afford the support and infrastructure costs), but to everybody. The tool also employs a very innovative patent pending methodology for performing Monte Carlo simulations is seconds (versus minutes or hours) – we call it TriCoBi, the Soul-Mate of Artificial Intelligence. Hope this helps.


Please check out the RTConfidence.com website and consider a free one-month Trial of Chrono™.  Bests, Mike”

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